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Therapists on our platform are trained, experienced, and verified psychologists (PhD/ PsyD/ MS/ ADCP).

All of them have a minimum Masters Degree with additional relevant certifications or a Doctorate Degree in their field. They have been qualified and certified by recognized public and private universities of Pakistan and foreign institutes. With varied experience, background and expertise, they all have a minimum of 2 years of field experience after necessary internships and practice exams.

There are many types of therapies and it might feel a little overwhelming to get started. That’s why we offer two pathways to make your search easy. Either we can match you with the therapist who is fitting well with your needs and preferences or you can use filters for example gender, speciality etc to search for the best fit therapist. In both cases you can change therapist if you don’t feel compatibility at any stage.

We emphasized you to become an informed consumer of tele-psychology services. We make sure that you get instant access to trained and qualified therapists, counsellors or psychologists who can provide you with the technical help for your issues in an equally efficient way as face to face therapy. However PsychThru is not right choice; if any of the following is true:

You have severe suicidal ideation

You are in an emergency situation

If you have been advised to get treatment in inpatient facility under psychiatric care and supervision or you have been diagnosed with a severe mental illness

Therapy or counseling is advised either by a court order or by any other authority

You do not have a reliable Internet connection or a device to connect with the Internet

Depending on the package subscribed, the cost of therapy at PsychThru can be as low as Rs.2,250 per session. However you can choose a package according to your budget and number of session required. Below are the packages details;


You can get therapy in four ways:

Messages with your therapist

Chatting live with your therapist

Audio Call with your therapist

Video Call with your therapist

PsychThru is Pakistan’s first online counseling platform. We provide an 100% online platform where people with psychological needs can get help from qualified therapists through convenient and immediate access. On PsychThru, therapy is available anytime, anywhere, through a computer, tablet or smartphone having internet connection.